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Umzugsvorbereitung Checkliste fuer einen reibungslosen Wohnungswechse

Preparing to move: checklist for a smooth change of apartment

Planning the move properly: organizing a move is not that difficult. To make sure the move goes smoothly, we’ve put together a checklist and helpful tips to help you stay on top of your moving preparations. Meeting moving deadlines, organizing movers, preparing the move – it all saves time, money and nerves in the end. So be it: The move to the new apartment can begin! With joy, with a good preparation and easy to implement moving preparations.

Moving to another city: how to proceed?

Curse or blessing – not for everyone a move is a joyful event. If moving to a new apartment means stress more than anything else, then this article can provide you with sustainable tips for preparing for the move. But even if you’re eagerly anticipating the event, our clues can provide a common thread for smooth moving preparations. When it comes to finding a reliable moving company, as well as any decluttering.

How to plan the preparations for the move? You can already start in advance to create your personal moving checklist. Here you can already make a note of what might need to be decluttered and cleaned out. This also saves costs during the move – what is gone does not have to be transported. In addition, some contracts can already be terminated in time for the appropriate moving date. Have you thought about moving materials such as boxes? Things that you don’t use much can already be packed and stowed away during the preparations for the move.

Best moving preparations: Tips and tricks

When planning your move, put off as little as possible – valuable time quickly passes, which you then lack for the important and urgent preparations for the move. Do you perhaps still have vacation time? Sometimes it makes sense to take a day or two of vacation so that you can move sensibly and energetically during this time. Also useful: list the cost-intensive items of the move and the preparations for the move.

If you want to hire a moving company, then it is also advisable to talk to the company in question as early as possible. At the last minute, sometimes a service is no longer possible. The costs can also be reduced with longer booking times – get an appropriate cost estimate in this regard. Double rent payments are sometimes unavoidable. Nevertheless: Your move preparations may also include finding a new tenant – if your landlord agrees, the apartment can be handed over smoothly.

Goal oriented to do list for your move

Goal oriented to do list for your move

The moving – checklist for a move to the new apartment is not so long. Nevertheless, important items are often simply forgotten in the stress. Here is a clear to-do list for a goal-oriented move preparation:

  • Terminate rental agreement / have termination confirmed
  • Submit forwarding request
  • Telephone / electricity / other Check contracts, cancel or, if necessary, reregister at a later date
  • Clean out / Sell / Declutter
  • Organize helpers / arrange appointments
  • Check standing orders
  • Paint / repair apartment
  • Get moving boxes
  • Organize vehicles
  • Set dates
  • Submit leave if necessary
  • Dismantle bulky furniture early

Preparing to move Tip 1: Gathering paperwork

Thought of everything? Notice periods are there to be observed. Also, remember to have the landlord confirm the termination of the current lease. In addition, you can consider commissioning a forwarding request for the apartment move and it also offered to generate appointments for a new registration of landline and Internet, if necessary. Later, the registration for garbage, electricity and gas will be added.

Preparing for the move Tip 2: Obtain a cost check

Talk to your landlord about when an apartment handover is possible so that you can get back the deposit you paid as soon as possible. If you have to make a deposit in the new apartment, make it as early as possible. Have you already estimated the cost of the moving company, vehicles, packing and movers? It is a good idea to assume these costs will be higher – for unbudgeted expenses.

Preparing for the move Tip 3: Don’t forget to clean out the clutter

When the preparations for the move are underway, it’s a good time to clear out and sell or give away what is not needed in the new life. A few sales can also add a little extra to the moving fund, reduce the cost of the move, and – by the way – clear out clutter. And who knows what old treasures you will still find in the cellar.

Preparing for the move Tip 4: Moving helpers and organization

Part of preparing for a move is organizing movers and helping hands early. If your moving date is during the week, helpers may need to take time off. This also includes planning for appropriate catering or meals, if necessary. If you would like to arrange for a moving company, appointments made early are usually less expensive.

Preparing for the move Tip 5: Furniture and boxes

Especially when dismantling large cabinets and packing small items, people often overestimate. Often you still need to get moving boxes or paper to safely pack dishes, books and other items. You can often get boxes for free at grocery stores, and newspapers are excellent for packing delicate ceramics.

Preparing for the move Tip 6: Preparation for day X

Do the walls still need to be painted? What can you not do without until the last day of the move? The last few hours of fixing up the old apartment often turn into stress. Perhaps you can paint or clean room after room in between – this will also save you a lot of time at the end of the move.

Preparing to move Tip 7: Let us help you

Managing a move in the middle of everyday life can exceed your strength. Going to work, doing household chores, children need to stay in their routine – To plan the move properly, you also need a clear head. Scheduling minor downtime can also be helpful in preparing for the move. To avoid chaos on moving day, it may be worthwhile to instruct the movers in advance in the work Hilfen generously accepted.

From the preparation of the move – to the move and beyond

When moving in or shortly thereafter, write down all meter readings, also for your own safety. Check your new apartment directly for hidden defects and, if necessary, record these in writing as well as photographically. You should also register your new address with the residents’ registration office quickly and inform the most important employers, banks and offices as soon as possible.

The move to the new apartment – relocation preparation and implementation from a single source

The move to the new apartment should not degenerate into stress – stress often means forgetting half. Not just with contracts, a thorough miscalculation can hit the wallet hard. If you need help with your move preparation, feel free to contact us – our team has in-depth experience in implementing small and large moves. A balanced checklist can be tailored to your personal plans.

Our movers tackle the move confidently and responsibly as well as on their own responsibility – a cost estimate drawn up in advance provides security. If you take care of the preparations for the move at an early stage, this will reduce additional costs – good planning is half the move!

Originally posted 2023-09-18 07:04:23.