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Reibungsloser Umzug Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung

Smooth move: step by step guide to the process with a moving company

Den Umzug richtig planen: einen Umzug zu organisieren, ist gar nicht so schwer. Damit der Umzug reibungslos ablaufen kann, haben wir hier eine Checkliste und hilfreiche Tipps zusammengetragen, die Ihnen helfen, den Überblick bei Ihren Umzugsvorbereitungen zu behalten. Umzugstermine einhalten, Umzugshelfer organisieren, den Umzug vorbereiten – das alles spart am Ende Zeit, Geld und Nerven. So sei es: Der Umzug in die neue Wohnung kann beginnen! Mit Freude, mit einer guten Vorbereitung und leicht umsetzbaren Umzugsvorbereitungen.

Moving with desire – moving company: the procedure

At best, the procedure on moving day has already been planned a few weeks in advance. Have you also created a checklist? These move – checklists are optimal if you have to reconcile your everyday life, the children and perhaps also the job with the move. Maybe you got leave from your boss for your move – then the process of the move has been calmer – if not, a good timing is of extraordinary importance, so that you do not forget anything in the stress.

It is advised to inquire in advance with various moving companies what moving service they can conscientiously offer for your move. – And also how the costs for this are composed. This is where the first things are decided: the moving company should have fair conditions, it should work transparently and yes-it should also feel good. Trust in the company is important – after all, you want to have your very personal things transported.

Professional moving company with the move – schedule

Weeks before the move, you can prepare the movers and get a clear overview with the moving checklist. You have clearly defined in advance with the moving company what things should be done: Dismantle cabinets, move bulky items out of tangled living spaces. Good movers have done thorough research in advance so that the move can result in a smooth process on moving day.

Do you have valuable furniture or objects? Then it’s worth taking a second look to see whether the goods are in pristine condition after transport. Before-and-after pictures also help here. At the latest, if there is damage and the moving company has made a mistake, insurance can take effect here. Therefore, before starting the move, find out whether the moving company is suitable for the process of an elaborate transport.

Umzugs Checkliste Umzug mit dem Umzugsunternehmen

Moving checklist: Moving with the moving company

We have here for you another checklist, which you can use to see if the moving company is suitable for the process and the move. If you already feel uncomfortable here, we advise you to look at other moving companies.

Tip procedure moving company 1:

Which moving company is the right one? Perhaps you already know the process of a particular moving company from previous positive experiences and reviews from your circle of acquaintances or friends. In this case, make sure that the process is also according to your wishes.

Tip procedure moving company 2:

Call at least three companies and ask for terms for transportation costs, labor hours and get an estimate written.

Tip procedure moving company 3:

Always keep the overview. Calculate the m³ number of your move, find a good route where there can be no or only minor delays and weigh whether the company seems confident and trustworthy. – Also, whether it has the appropriate insurances in case of any unforeseen damage.

All our tips and hints listed here come from our own everyday life as a moving company. We will go through the process of the move with you and record important points together. If you would like us to write you a concrete estimate for the process and execution of your move, please feel free to contact us.

Better together:Procedure moving with the professional – moving company

If you are more specific in choosing your moving company, you can have a confident moving plan prepared. This includes everything you have agreed upon with the moving company in advance, including the assumed number of hours (excluding unforeseen things like traffic jams, accidents and so on). If you have the opportunity, you can discuss unpacking in your new place with the moving company in advance. This will save time on the day of the move for a smooth process.

Read through the fine print in contracts and estimates – if there’s something you don’t understand, it’s best to have the particular moving company explain it to you. If you disagree with something, talk about it. A move and the process of it involves some costs, depending on the effort involved. It would be unpleasant if you have to deal with negative surprises later.

Originally posted 2023-09-18 11:58:43.