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Umzug Berlin Bewertung

Berlin moving review: tips for choosing a trustworthy moving company

Finding a moving company in Berlin? At first glance, not so easy. Countless companies bustle on the platforms and on the streets. Here, reviews may help, which you can view. But what are the ratings based on? Which attributes should be present at least? The move in Berlin wants to be well planned, so that the process can run smoothly. What should you look for when evaluating a moving company in Berlin?

Moving companies in Berlin: evaluation and experience

“Excellent!” – This word represents the ultimate in a good review of a moving company in Berlin. But how do customers arrive at such a verdict? Smooth processes, punctual movers, cost estimates kept. Moving companies that do not throw your furniture and boxes carelessly around, this is also part of it. When planning a move, competence and judgment have opened up another field by which you can recognize a good moving company in Berlin. With a contact it begins, with a complied estimate it ends.
In between, many things can go wrong. Unpunctual employees, who delay the whole process of the move. Moving helpers who are careless or have little experience and therefore appear rather clumsy. Missing backup material or, in the worst case, forgotten arrangements. A move in Berlin costs money – all these are things that can cost you dearly at the end of the move.

Umzugshelfer Berlin: experience and evaluation-the who’s who

If the moving company has a good rating, this is already half the battle. But does this also apply to the movers in Berlin? There are always various possible solutions for a move. If you have to manage a rather manageable move, then perhaps only a few removal helpers who can help you with your move in Berlin are enough. But be careful: even freelance movers should be responsible, honest as well as experienced (and insured).

Moving in Berlin can be a big deal – or it can be fast, smooth and inexpensive. A lot of it comes down to the preparations for the move. Individual movers or a suitable moving company in Berlin – it is often the costs that need to be covered. A safe option is to get various quotes and cost estimates and then decide which of the offers makes the most sense.

Beste Fünf Sterne Bewertungen für einen Umzug in Berlin

Best five star reviews for moving in Berlin

The best ratings for a move in Berlin get moving companies that have been established on the market for a long time. Long-standing companies can look back on a long time in which they could make appropriate experiences. However, this alone is not a guarantee – therefore, when looking for a trustworthy moving company suitable for you, also pay attention to the evaluation of your circle of friends and acquaintances. These experiences are usually the best.

What are reviews for removals in Berlin made up of?

Generally, there are four categories listed that customers can use to evaluate a trustworthy moving company:


The price is composed of several items. Among them:

  • Apartment size
  • The quantity
  • Distance
  • Local situation
  • Time
  • Other service components

A cost estimate is usually prepared from these and possible other items. The evaluation for the price item is therefore not only based on the estimated costs, but also on whether the cost estimate was adhered to. A few percent deviations are normal – but if the price should turn out to be 20-30% higher (through no fault of your own), watch out!


Speed – You may have had to take extra vacation time for your move in Berlin. So good timing is important. Be sure to talk to the moving company in advance whether this is feasible as you imagine. Dates that have been scheduled in advance, experience shows that they can be met conscientiously. However, speed is also measured in the speed of the movers and the implementation of your move.

Do the workers show up on time? How experienced are they? Can the movers handle difficult or unforeseen situations? Especially if you own valuable furniture, such as a piano or expensive furniture, even ceramics, every move of the movers must sit. Otherwise it can quickly come to avoidable time wasters. For this reason, speed is also a factor in the evaluation of the moving company.


And what is meant by ratings, by quality? The quality of a company rather determines the subjective perception of the customers, to what extent they are satisfied with the company. You bring certain expectations with you when you turn to a moving company – so this is about the match between expectation and actual serviceability. An essential assessment! Because here it is also about the interpersonal, about whether and in what form the movers think along and how goal-oriented and flexible they can act.

Employee Behavior:

The rating of the workers can vary greatly in and on platforms. Each moving company has selected and rated their movers according to guidelines and criteria. A good mover will retain these scores even if they change employees. So a good employee is reliable and will transport your move the same way they would transport their belongings. Therefore, this evaluation for a moving company in Berlin also flow.

Other features that can be included in an evaluation for a move in Berlin are

Evaluations of other moving services may include how many helpers can come on the day of the move – and along with it the hourly rate. The company must estimate well, there should be no moving helper standing around, nor should there be one helper too few. There may be mileage allowances included in the estimates. In addition, there are the costs for the truck, packing materials or other accessories, for example, for securing the load.

There are usually price surcharges for additional trucks, floors, and some companies have special surcharges for congestion.- However, these can (almost) be avoided with good planning. Difficult access roads are also part of the equation. And: Is furniture to be disassembled/assembled? Assessments are also given for this.

Your moving company in Berlin – Transparent & Reliable

However, a trustworthy moving company in Berlin also includes common attributes and quality features of any company. The company should be customer-oriented and dedicated. It needs a strong management team and the best employees are those who are satisfied. So, each mover represents the company in the process – this does not make the ratings for a good company more transparent.

May we provide you with an estimate for your move? Our team is trained, reliable and always competent – our commitment is lived by all parts of our moving company day by day. When it comes down to it – we pack it!

Originally posted 2023-09-18 12:49:51.